Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Busy-busy bee!

So, tonight starts my first night of my new bible study and I should be excited. I want to be excited. But I'm SOOOOOOOO tired! I have a feeling that donating blood last night could have a weensy bit to do with my lethargy - but really I know it's that I'm spreading myself thinner than I probably should.

That is why I have given up several of my TV shows (the crappy ones that are horrible guilty pleasures have been the first ones to go) and am trying to cut down on my "junk" reading... which isn't going so well since I just downloaded the Richard Castle book to my kindle... Yes, it's a book written by the fictional author from the TV show Castle - but I needed it!

I'm also trying to spend more quality time with my hubby - since we've been reducing the quantity of the time together, I figured it was only fair to up the quality... which is why I will be attending a football game this weekend...Hello 50 yard line (whatever that means).

So we'll see how the new study fits in with my already crazy schedule. I'm hoping it's not a ton of extra work - because I really would like to sleep sometime...although there is that saying "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

1 comment:

  1. I never did ask you how the football game went. Was it cold and rainy?
