Wednesday, April 25, 2012

If Glory means Weight

This morning I learned that another word for Glory was weight. That information has sort of been niggling in my brain all day, hence the post.  Let me forewarn you - it is going to be pretty stream of conciousness - so please forgive me.  It's not going to be the prettiest of posts but it's how my mind was working today and I wanted to get it down before it escaped me. 

If Glory means weight, what does that change?
      Weight is (usually) something that can be measured.

What do we use to measure weight?
     A scale.

When I think of a scale what image comes to mind?

With that type of scale, there are two places for the weights to sit… why?
    Because you are measuring one thing against another.

A definition for weight can be the relative (measure of) importance or authority accorded something/someone or the measurable influence it has on other’s.

Based on that definition, what is it that I’m trying to weigh?
     God’s importance/authority/influence

And what am I weighing against God’s Glory?
     Everything I give importance/authority/influence to.

Why should I weigh everything against God?
     How else can I see the truth of what really is getting the “glory” in my eyes?

What does that change?
    Like the “scales of justice” I am too often blind. Not only are the weight’s of my scale imbalanced, they’re imbalanced because of false weights! Instead of giving the Glory to God’s side of the scales, I give importance to the world, to other people, to other things.

1 Peter 4:11

Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in ALL things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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