Friday, March 11, 2011

Personal Trainer?

On the retreat this weekend I was sitting at Table 13 for dinner Saturday night. I chose Table 13, not because I knew anyone at it, but because I've always liked the number 13. Anyway, I sat down to dinner with only one other woman and we chatted. Other people joined us. I overheard one woman expressing her dissatisfaction at being unable to lose the "belly after baby" and was wondering what she could do. Of course, I chimed in (without being asked) and said:

You do know you can't target one specific part of your body to lose weight in, right? There's no magic exercise that will work - in fact you can do crunches for the rest of your life and have nothing change. What you need to do is add weight resistance training and build muscle so that you can increase your metabolism and lose weight everywhere.

To which she replied:

Are you a trainer?

The fact that looking at me she thought I could be a personal trainer... MADE MY DAY! Once I explained that I'd lost 69 pounds in the past year and worked with a personal trainer that entire time they spent the rest of the meal asking me questions. Having knowledge to help people and being able to give it - AWESOME!

Anyway, back home at the gym working with Cruise Director Wendy this past Wednesday I shared the story. She asked if I had ever thought of becoming a personal trainer myself... I shrugged it off - since I believe at the time I was focusing on not dropping the "air rope".

Well, this morning Trainer Matt was back and he said:
I hear Wendy put a bug in your ear. So, do you think you'd be interested in becoming a personal trainer? I think you'd have a good perspective to give to clients... I mean, you'd be able to relate to them in a way that I can't. You know how hard it is to change your life because you've done it.
I didn't know what to say. He told me I should think about it. Just then, Cruise Director Wendy walked by with her victim... I mean "client", Ruth who said "There's my weight loss inspiration... Hi Renee!" Matt just looked at me... as if to say "SEE - I TOLD YOU!"

Still, I don't know. It's definitely something to think about...

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