Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saying Goodbye... once more with feeling!

Dear 210’s…
I honestly don’t remember meeting you. Perhaps the ice cream coma I was in blurred our get-together from my mind. Whatever the case may be, I have to admit that I was a little horrified finding you here without my prior knowledge. I mean, I really thought waking up next to someone you don’t recognize only happened to people who completely lost control… In any case, I’m really very glad that you have decided to leave. I’d really appreciate it if you decided not to return.



Dear 200’s…

I know we didn’t talk that much – you were only here for about a month before I realized I’d started spending all my time with the 190’s. I’d like to say I’m sorry that we didn’t get to spend more time together, but I have a feeling we’d both know it was a lie. After all, I’m pretty sure I spent at least a year with you before the 210’s made that little visit that freaked me out. I really do wish you the best with whoever you move on with. I just know that it won’t be me.

All the best!


Dear 190’s…

I feel that I need to apologize to you. I know I really made you think I wanted to be with you and I did! When we first met I was so excited to tell people about you… I mean we were together and I was beyond thrilled! By our first month anniversary our relationship had started to lose its appeal. I found myself wondering how long we would need to be together. I felt smothered by how you just always wanted to be with me. We had some good times, but I think we were meant to just be friends. I hope that you find someone better suited to you… perhaps a man? Only a suggestion!



Dear 180’s…

We began our flirtation in June. Something about you just made me smile. Perhaps it was the way I felt with you while I was wearing that denim dress. I don’t know. But I do know that during our flirtation, I became attracted to the 170’s and I just didn’t know how to tell you. I know that we weren’t committed to each other, still, I felt ashamed. But the heart wants what the heart wants. And my heart wanted better blood flow that could only be found with the 170’s. I’m hopeful that you will understand my desire to end things before anyone gets hurt. You really are great, and I know that there’s someone out there that is perfect for you – she’s just not me.



Dear 170’s…

We’ve been seeing each other since sometime in July, but I really feel like I need to break it off. It’s not that you weren’t fun – you were! I had a great summer with you. The thing is though, I got caught cheating on you and I wanted to tell you before someone else did. I was at the doctors and the 160’s were there and well… the nurse walked in and saw everything – and since the nurse knows you – well, I’ve been feeling guilty for a while now. I’ve always been attracted to the 160’s but that’s no excuse for stringing you along like this. I don’t want to keep living a lie until day I have to formally announce that you and I aren’t together anymore. I’d really just like for us to part as friends but I completely understand if that can’t happen. So, if we never meet again – you take care of yourself.

Best Wishes,


Dear 160’s…

I’ve been looking back on letters from the last 6 months and I’ve realized something. While I like you, and I’m happy to spend time with you and get to know you… I’m really not in the position to be in a long term relationship with you or anyone else right now. I’m just trying to figure out what I want. Right now you feel great, but I admit, I’ve been imagining what it might be like to be with the 150’s or 140’s… Sometimes, I catch myself day dreaming about the 130’s and once even the 120’s… I don’t want to hurt you. I hope we can have fun for as long as it lasts – keep things casual. Still, I need you to know that when we part that will be the end of our relationship. Forever. Although, I am happy to introduce you to a couple of tall gals I know that have been daydreaming about you!



Dear 150’s…

I’m sorry this note is getting to you so late. I owed you better than that. After all, we had fun from November until… huh… I can’t recall exactly when we parted ways. To be fair, the holiday’s were a blur. Still, I remember being with you as I indulged a bit at Thanksgiving and Christmas. You were so understanding about my need to enjoy the pumpkin pie. (Maybe a little too understanding.) Anyway, next thing I know I’m out with friends on New Year’s Eve and I can’t remember you being there. I had a couple drinks, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t start dating the 140’s that night. Still, stranger things have happened – I mean, you remember my story about the 210’s right? Regardless, I wanted to tell you how grateful I was for our time together. It brought me new clothes that fit and a boost in my confidence as I made it through the holidays with you instead of going back to the 160’s. I mean, after I told him we were through “FOREVAH”, I really would have been embarrassed to go crawling back to him, eating my words like so much pumpkin pie. Mmmmm….pie! So, really, thanks for sticking with me through the holidays. I hope you find someone else that will be happy sticking with you the whole year through.

Thanks Again!


Dear 140’s…

I know technically everyone thinks we’re still together since I haven’t “officially” moved on to the 130’s. But we both know I moved on weeks ago and I’m just waiting for the right time to make the announcement. I know I was a little cranky that you were still around when I weighed in for February… and I’m sorry for that reaction. It’s just that I was so close to that 7o pound total loss and I blamed you for standing in my way. When really, I should have been thanking you for so many things. Like letting me realize I could make it through my first plateau without giving up or hating myself. Or, showing me that I could take a Body Combat class with you and NOT die. Or, better yet, helping me realize that I enjoy “exercise”. More than that though, thank you for reminding me that while I felt good being with you – better than I ever have in my adult life – we were never meant to be together long term. In fact, knowing that we aren’t MFEO is the only reason I’m leaving you behind because honestly, it’s been great!

Lots of Love,


Dear 130’s…

I know we’ve been keeping our relationship on the DL. I mean, I haven’t even logged you into My Food Diary yet because we haven’t made thing’s “Official”. I’ve been secretly stepping on the scale in the mornings just to see you – and I don’t want to wait until next week’s official weigh in to stop pretending that we’re not in this together. I mean, just this morning you told me that I’m at a healthy BMI for the first time in my adult life! Do you know what a gift that is to me? It’s priceless! Thank you for letting me meet the technically “healthy me”. While I know you and I are destined to part ways, I will keep “healthy me” forever! We probably only have a month or two left together – depending on how the last 10/12 pounds go but I know you’re fine with that and I am too. I just wanted to take this time to let you know that I appreciate everything you’ve shown me and given me to take along even after you’re gone.

With Sincerest Gratitude,


Dear 120’s…

I am coming for you. You are my goal and I WILL reach you. And when I do I plan to “hug you and squeeze you and love you forever and ever.” I know I’ve been very fickle this past year with all the other weights, and it might lead you to believe I’m not sincere in my desire to stay with you. But I really don’t see any need to look for anyone else once we get together. I mean, I’ve been with the 210’s, the 200’s, the 190’s, the 180’s, the 170’s, the 160’s, the 150’s and the 140’s and they didn’t have what I wanted. I’m currently with the 130’s and while I enjoy being here, I know that they aren’t a perfect fit. And honestly, the 110’s sound a little scary to me. Besides, you’re the one the doctor’s say I’d be a fool not to stick with… and I really think they’re right. I hope this doesn’t scare you off… but I can’t wait to start our life together! (New clothes and all)

(im)patiently waiting,


P.S. I’m really serious about us being in a committed relationship and I want to reassure you that once we get together, I will not cheat on you… Unless I get pregnant. And then, well, all bets are off – although “technically” it would be my child that’s cheating on you. Still, if that happens, I promise that I will come back to you as SOON as I can. You can count on me!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful writeup. So proud of you! I doubt I'm even going to recognize you when I see you this weekend! :)
